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Curriculum Vitae

Included below is my curriculum vitae in abbreviated form. A longer version is available upon request.


Chair and Professor, Dept. of English

University of Utah

[email protected]


University of California, Santa Barbara

Ph.D., English Literature, 2008

M.A., English Literature

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Ed.M., Technology in Education, 2003

University of California, Los Angeles

B.A., English Literature


Chair, Dept. of English, University of Utah, 2024-Present

Professor, University of Utah, 2022-Present

Associate Professor, University of Utah, 2017-2022

Director, Digital Matters, University of Utah, 2018-2022

Assistant Professor, University of Utah, 2015-17

Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University, 2009-2015



Techno-Orientalism 2.0: New Forms and Formulations.  Roh, David S., Betsy Huang, Greta Niu and Christopher T. Fan, eds. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press (2025).

Minor Transpacific: Triangulating American, Japanese, and Korean Fictions. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press (2021). Honorable Mention, 2023 Association for Asian American Studies Book Award in Literary Studies.

Illegal Literature: Toward a Disruptive Creativity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (2015).

Techno-Orientalism: Imagining Asia in Speculative Fiction, History, and Media.  Roh, David S., Betsy Huang and Greta Niu, eds. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press (2015).

Refereed Articles

“Locally Sourced, Organically Grown: Growing a Digital Humanities Lab with an Eye Towards Sustainability” with Rebekah Cummings and Elizabeth Callaway in Digital Humanities Quarterly 14.3 (2020).

“Distributed Communications.Journal of Narrative Theory 46.3 (2016): 312-338.

“Kaneshiro Kazuki’s GO and the American Racializing of Zainichi Koreans.” Verge: Studies in Global Asias 2.2 (2016): 163-187.

Scientific Management in Younghill Kang’s East Goes West: The Japanese and American Construction of Korean Labor.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States 37.1 (2012): 83-104.

[Japanese Translation] “Yonhiru kan iisuto gozu uesuto ni okeru ryogakuteki kanriho: nibei ni yoru chōsenjin rodōsha no kōchiku.” Trans. Song Hyewon Zainichi chōsenjinshi kenkyū 45 (2015): 173-200.

Two Copyright Case Studies from a Literary Perspective.” Law and Literature 22.1 (2010):110-141.

Book Chapters

“Younghill Kang, Transpacific Agent” in Victor Bascara and Josephine Park, eds. Asian American Literature in Transition, vol. 2: 1930-1965. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2021).

“Unwrapping the eReader” in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature, Ed. Tabbi, Joseph. New York: Bloomsbury Academic (2017): 371-384.

“The DH Bubble: Startup Logic, Sustainability, Performativity.” Debates in the Digital Humanities, vol. 3. Eds. Gold, Matthew and Lauren Klein. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (2019).

Reviews & Encyclopedia Entries

“Riposte to Photo Narratives and Digital Archives, or The Film Photo Novel Lost and Found.” Electronic Book Review (2018).

Park, Jane. “Review of Yellow Future: Oriental Style in Hollywood Cinema.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States 36.4 (2011): 174-176.


“On the Perils of Absolute Ownership, Tractors, and T.S. Eliot.” University of Minnesota Press Blog. October 14, 2015.

“Let Your DH Flag Fly.” MediaCommons. May 1, 2013.

“Errata to Live By.” MediaCommons. February 2, 2013.

“NBC’s Community and Open Source Collaboration.” In Media Res. September 20, 2012.


National Humanities Center Summer Residency Fellowship, 2019
Kickstart Grant, University of Utah, 2017
Rising Star in the Humanities Award, University of Utah, 2016
URC Faculty Research Grant, University of Utah, 2016
U.S. Studies Centre Visiting Fellowship, University of Sydney, 2015 (declined)
Robert L. Hixon Fellowship, ODU, 2011
Faculty Development Grant, ODU, 2011
College of Arts & Letters Summer Research Fellowship, ODU, 2010
Graduate Division Dissertation Fellowship, UCSB, Winter 2007
Fulbright Graduate Student Research Fellowship, Japan, 2006
Foreign Language Area Studies Grant, UCSB, Summer 2006
Consortium of Literature, Theory and Culture Travel Grant, UCSB, 2005
English Department Fellowship, UCSB, 2003
Harvard Graduate School of Education Grant, 2002
Dean’s Special Fellowship, UCSB, 2002 (declined)
Fulbright Fellowship, South Korea, 2002 (declined)
Provost’s Honors, UCLA, 2001


Invited Talks
Panelist, Rethinking Global Japanese Studies Symposium. University of British Columbia. March 10-11, 2024.
Panelist, “An Expansive Korean American Literary History.” UC Irvine Critical Korean Studies Center. December 1st, 2023.
Book talk, Minor Transpacific. Sogang University. Seoul, South Korea. October 17, 2023
Book talk, Minor Transpacific. University of Toronto. Toronto, Ontario. February 3, 2023. Codesign Sprint, Meta Headquarters. San Francisco, CA. October 18-19, 2022.
Keynote, “Articulating the Zanichi and Korean American Literary Conversation.” International Society for Korean Studies. August 12, 2022 (virtual).
Roundtable Panelist, “Futurism: Who is a Part of It?” Writer’s Guild of America West. July 20, 2022 (virtual).
Book talk, Minor Transpacific. University of Texas, El Paso. Liberal Arts Honors Program. 2022 (virtual).
Roundtable Panelist, “The Future is Now: Co-creating an Equitable Metaverse.” The Raben Group / Meta (Facebook). March 1, 2022 (virtual).
Book talk, Minor Transpacific. Boston University World Languages and Literatures’ New
Books Speaker Series, Boston, MA. February 17, 2022 (virtual).
Book talk, Minor Transpacific. University of Kansas CEAS Global Asia Speaker Series, Lawrence, KS. November 11, 2021 (virtual).
Book talk, Minor Transpacific. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. September 11, 2021 (virtual).
“Los Angeles and Osaka are Burning.” University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, February 13, 2020.
“Against Primordial Asian America: Triangulating American, Japanese, and Korean Fictions.” Princeton University, New Jersey, October 11th, 2018.
“Triangulating Zainichi Literature: The Japanese and American Mediation of Korean Bodies.” University of California, San Diego, May 19th, 2016.
“Chronotopic Colonialism and the Invention of Time Travel.” Minor Culture Conference, Cultural Studies Association of Australasia, University of Melbourne, Australia, December 2nd, 2015.
“Versioning: Open Sourcing Literary Production.” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (January 30, 2015).
“From Solitary to Accretive Genius: Japanese Amateur Comics and the Limits of Copyright.” University of Nevada Las Vegas Law School Faculty Colloquium, Las Vegas, NV (October 13, 2014).
“Scientific Management in East Goes West: Transnational Labor in the Japanese and American Empires.”
 Lecture co-sponsored by the Americanist Speaker Series and Asian & Middle Eastern Studies Department, Duke University, Durham, NC (October 20, 2010).