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Invited Talk: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Invited Talk: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

On January 30th, I give a talk on my forthcoming book at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor’s Digital Studies group.  There are a lot of great…

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Defining Disruptive Textuality

Defining Disruptive Textuality

“Disruptive” is usually an adjective given to unwelcome interlocutors; they’re perceived as bothersome, distracting, and in the worst cases, pernicious.  In the tech world, however, disruptive…

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MediaCommons & The Media Park

MediaCommons & The Media Park

I’m happy to announce that the new Media Park website is finally up and running (http://mediapark.digital.odu) after several days of pulling my hair out, wrestling…

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Invited Talk at Duke

Invited Talk at Duke

I had the distinct pleasure of giving a talk at Duke University, where I presented on my initial foray into my third book project, an…

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Comiket 2010

Comiket 2010

Thanks to the generosity of the College Summer Research Fellowship Program, I was able to conduct field research in Tokyo for my book project.  I…

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